
Killing Cows in Minecraft Makes Me Sad

What have I dooooooooone?!

As of now, my experience with Minecraft is a bit on the limited side. I first played the game during a family outing and enjoyed it enough to eventually purchase the PS3 edition. Of course, my maiden voyage consisted of trying to earn as many of the game's trophies as possible while still in the tutorial level. When it came to the "Cow Tipper" trophy — wherein you have to kill a cow to get leather — I couldn't help feeling bad as I hacked away at the poor thing.

I can only think back to one other time where I killed a seemingly innocent animal in a game: a huge group of crows in Resident Evil 4. I can't recall feeling quite so bad in that instance. Maybe I was swayed by all the sweet loot they dropped.

I'm rich!

I know the real culprit is the game's tone however. It may be heavier on action than horror, but RE4 still has an ominous atmosphere. Even with all of the creepy nighttime and cave dwelling critters, Minecraft maintains a sense of fun and adventure. Resident Evil is more about dread.

When an animal approaches me in Minecraft, my reaction is generally "Hi there, lil' fella!" In RE, the same scenario generally inspires something along the lines of "Oh god, what am I about to run into now?!" I probably shouldn't find that so compelling given the inherent differences, but I do. Even the way the animals are incorporated manages to fit the games' respective tones. I can dig it.

It's been a little while since I've actually picked up Minecraft, but I was reminded of all this by the heightened violence found in the "Minecraft in 20 Seconds" video:

Yeah. I need a hug.

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  1. Shadow of the Colossus had me racked with guilt. They’re safe in their environment, minding their own business doing what Colossi do, and then I turn up on the sly and end them. It’s harrowing if you think on it too much while playing. Great game, though.
