
Best Of: Bad Batman Drawings!

At the beginning of last year, I started a new blog project: Bad Batman Drawing! Every day, once a day, I aimed to post crappy drawings of Batman and other related characters. Crappy drawings like this:

What a lovely Bat symbol. What a lovely everything.

I only made it about halfway through the year unfortunately. Oh no, I sense some real-talk coming on!

In early July I had a big visit with my dog's eye specialist. The checkup fee, assorted test fees, and medication fees were pretty nasty, so I had to focus on raising extra funds for a while. Between that and other real-life shenanigans, Bad Batman Drawing ultimately got pushed onto the back burner. Once you get far enough behind with a daily project, it's easy to just give up on it altogether.

Know who wouldn't have given up? Batman, that's who.

One reason I was able to give up so easily in the first place is that I didn't even tell anyone about it. There was no accountability! I posted some of the drawings on DeviantArt, but big whoop. Despite the whole point of the blog being bad drawings, the fact that they weren't top-quality made me feel embarrassed of them. Counter-productive silliness at its finest, folks.

It's time to do what I should have done from the beginning and actually share some of this insanity. Ready or not, here's a gallery of the "Best" Bad Batman Drawings:

My goodness. I really covered all the bases, didn't I? Goofy mashups, "Laughing Fish" homages, Batwoman, 1980s styled Joker portraits, Nightrunner, Bat-mite, Harley Quinn, and even Batman eating pizza! It's everything you could want from Batman fanart...and so much more!

Ok, so they aren't masterpieces, but looking back, I had some good times with the Bad Batman Drawing project. I'm happy to finally feel comfortable enough to share.

For updates on future content, you can find me on Twitter @castlegeekskull! I also maintain a Castle Geek-Skull Facebook Page. Click and follow and like and hug me and stuff.

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