
My "Like" Affair with Captain America

I like Captain America. LIKE. He may not be my favorite character, but he's always been a part of my life in some form or another. He even made his way into several of my earliest childhood drawings:

Even so, as time went on it seems I often pushed good 'ol Cap aside in favor of other characters. For shame.

Despite not being the most devout fan, I managed to loosely keep up with bits and pieces of Captain America comic books through the likes of Wizard Magazine and online message boards. Somehow, it was enough. After all, I remained interested enough to easily fall for "Winghead" merchandise like action figures, video games, and freakin' Christmas ornaments:

Stuff. Things.

I'm over-simplifying a bit, but I feel as if I've ultimately let Captain America down. To spin it positively, well, at least the interest is there. It's ok if I'm not the foremost expert just yet. I'll find the time to dive a bit further into the world of all things Steve Rogers at some point, but for now, at least his latest foray into movie-films (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, opening the day after this article's posting) will be my first theater experience of the year. That counts for something, right?

That's all for now! For future updates, follow Castle Geek-Skull on Twitter @castlegeekskull and "like" the Castle Geek-Skull Facebook Page! If you don't, "Marvel Manga Twist 'Ems" Cap just might haunt your dreams:

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