
Gamers Go Wild for Tokyo Jungle All Over Again!

Tokyo Jungle Pomeranian Gameplay

Everyone and their grandmother knows about this weekend's Playstation Network Flash Sale by now. I was more than happy to take advantage of the newly slashed prices to help cross some more games off of my growing check-list, Tokyo Jungle especially. It would appear that I was far from alone:

Tokyo Jungle Trending

That's right. The prospect of a 99 cent Tokyo Jungle was met with boundless enthusiasm, so much so that the game ended up trending on Twitter during the Flash Sale's opening day! A simple search shows tons of "you better not miss this!"-levels of praise, and new tweets about it are still coming in. I especially love this one from @Miktar:

Tokyo Jungle Hideo Kojima

Even if largely inspired by a ridiculous sale-price, I really dig that a game like Tokyo Jungle is still able to garner such excitement. By all means, if you're like me and had the game on your "I'll get to it" list, drop by the Playstation Store and grab it now! The game received immense praise even at its original price, so you can be sure that the limited 99 cent price-point makes it more than worth checking out!

Social networking wrap-up time: Feel free to follow me on Twitter @castlegeekskull or "like" on Facebook! I promise not to bite. Much.

1 comment:

  1. This era, because of diminished benefits, we saw numerous engineers concentrate their consideration on comfort gaming, rather than PCs. Because of this, many recreations which were artful culminations on PCs, saw spin-offs which were made in view of consoles, henceforth must be conditioned down, as per supports maturing
