
It's Great to See the Powers TV Series Moving Forward (E3 2014)

Sony's E3 2014 Powers TV Series Presentation

With movies starring Batman, The X-Men, Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man routinely lighting up the box office, it's no secret that comic books have a major stronghold in the motion picture industry. While many of our favorite superheroes have also graced the small screen, current shows like Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the upcoming Daredevil, Agent Carter, and Gotham have the presence of comic characters on TV rapidly catching up to their ubiquitous nature in movies. The source material might not be as widely recognizable, but I'm incredibly pleased that the Powers television series will be joining in on this new wave of comic-based TV shows.

Powers' television adaptation was originally going to be a series on FX as far back as 2011 but it never got off the ground. After hearing very little beyond occasional "oh yeah, it's totally happening" quotes, the series' future didn't look especially promising. Fortunately, the show has finally found a home: E3 2014 revealed that Powers will debut this December as Playstation Network's first fully original television series. The comic's blend of superheroes and noir has all the makings of some wonderful television, so I'm thrilled to see its adaptation moving forward.

Early Powers concept art

There wasn't much to show yet, but the announcement (made by creator Brian Michael Bendis) included some promising information. First of all, the entire first season will be free for Playstation Plus members. More importantly, the creative team has some serious talent behind it. For starters, writer Charlie Huston is set to be the showrunner, and Bendis himself will have plenty of input as an executive producer. Further announcements such as those related to casting are surely right around the corner.

I love that services like Netflix, Hulu, and now Playstation Network are offering shows that never got a fair shot on network or cable television a chance to thrive. The Powers TV series has tons of potential, and I greatly look forward to seeing how it unfolds from here.

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