
Sgt. Slaughter rides again

Hasbro has revealed that one of their SDCC exclusives this year will be a new G.I. Joe version of Sgt. Slaughter! Excellent!

The inclusion of the WWF(E) personality in the Real American Hero G.I. Joe line feels like a really goofy gimmick in retrospect, but damnit, that was part of my childhood. I had the original toy, and you can be damn sure I'll do what I can to get my hands on this new one. Like most of their SDCC exclusives, I'm sure he'll show up on after the con is over.

As you see above, Hasbro has produced two versions, much like they did with their Dictator Cobra Commander a while back. The second with the guns will surely be more limited, so gear up for a battle on that one, collectors.

Is it weird that this was kind of nerdgasm inducing?

1 comment:

  1. That looks really cool. Maybe next year we'll get The Frige :D
