
Digibash: Improved Animated Rodimus

Did I ever post this? I don't think I did. Hmm.

A while ago, I photo-shopped the then-unreleased Animated Rodimus toy (as I often do) to make him a little more accurate to the cartoon. It looks a little something like this:

The toy as is resides on the left; my altered version is on the right. I changed the slightly simian face and altered the colors to match the character's animation model more closely. Of course, self bias being what it is, I like my version better. Does that mean I'm not buying the toy as is when it comes out in the US this fall at Toys R Us? Of course not. I'm all over that bastard.

1 comment:

  1. I like your version, i especiialy like what you have done whith the mouth, it looks really good. i might try painignt up his lower legs and feet in the way you have colord them, i probly would not need more then a gundam marker, but damn it would probly look super fly (like your version) ace

