
Hi-Res Images of Hasbro's Marvel Panel from SDCC 2011

YouBentMyWookie has uploaded high quality images of Hasbro's Marvel panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Personal highlights include:

Marvel Universe Beta Ray Bill:

Marvel Universe Kraven:

Marvel Universe She-Hulk:

Marvel Legends Ghost Rider:

Marvel Legends Hope Summers:

Marvel Legends Build a Figure Arnim Zola:

Marvel Legends Build a Figure Terrax:

Yeah, Marvel Legends returns and they're looking damn good! Marvel Universe looks to continue its current trend of improvement as well. Good stuff. Can't wait to see these things hit the toy aisles!

If you're thirtsy for even more new Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends toys, check out the full article at YouBentMyWookie. There's even a preview of next year's Avengers toyline! Cool stuff all around.

Oh, and if you're like me, you might be having trouble tracking down some of the cooler Marvel Universe figures out there. Amazon has some ok prices if you get tired of searching:

1 comment:

  1. Zadkiel controlled Dan ketch GR.... awesome
