
Stolen Action Figures

Everyone with the slightest interest in toy collecting knows just how repetitive local shopping can be. In general, you're more likely to see the same stuff you've already been staring at for months with each visit to the likes of Toys R Us or major department stores. While this may leave some disappointed, a shelf-full of last season's stock doesn't bum me out nearly as much as the unfortunately regular sight of stolen action figures:

Don't worry kids, this is just a special "Stealth Armor" variant. Promise!

I'm not quite sure that's what they meant by "Try Me!" :(

And here I thought the days of "accessory packs" were over.

Everybody sing! "When Captain America turns on his mighty cloaking device..."

Hey Rambo, I found those legs you were looking for.

I don't have a dumb caption for this one. Contest time: submit your own in the comment section below!

Ninjas don't like being seen, even the ones decked out in bright-ass white, so I guess this is somehow fitting.

Man. Despite the jokey nonsense, I don't find this funny at all. I'm not exactly raring to lead the charge of some anti-theft campaign either. I've simply seen enough of this over the years that I'm compelled to share. The handful of pictures above is unfortunately only a small margin of the instances I've stumbled across. I'm betting some of you have seen plenty of it in your local stores as well. The worst part for me is that I usually see the same empty blister card still hanging on the pegs whenever I go back.

Great. Somehow I've managed to actually bring my mood down with this. And now a devious thought has emerged. It's obvious that I should wrap up by saying "...and you can help cheer me up by giving me a follow and like on Twitter and Facebook!"


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