
Marvel vs. Capcom's Attack Names Would Be Pretty Weird In Comics

Can't we all just get along?

With Marvel vs. Capcom: Origins on sale for just over $3, it was clear that there was no better time to finally make the purchase. This compilation of the original Marvel vs. Capcom and Marvel Super Heroes is a wonderful journey through mid to late 1990s arcade nostalgia. Of course, the anime style attack names shouted by the characters throughout each match comprise one of the first quirks you're reacquainted with as you begin battling your way to either Thanos or Onslaught. Just as Street Fighter gameplay is riddled with cries of "Hadoken" and "Shoryuken," Capcom's Marvel based fighters assault your ears with the likes of "Berseker Barrage," "Charging Star," and "Spider Sting!"

Hearing all of this again made me imagine how bizarre (and cluttered) mid-battle dialogue would become if comic books followed the same convention. I took to Photoshop to see what it might look like. Behold:

avengers vs x-men
Art source: Avengers vs. X-Men #3

Perhaps it's because it's just so different, but it feels like issue after issue of that would be a bit wacky. I'm glad that the existing dialogue usually serves to keep pushing the story forward instead. In fighting games however, this goofy alternative is right at home.

PS: If you want a quick refresher on all of the attack names that are shouted as you play these games, here's a Marvel vs. Capcom voice collection:

Until next time, feel free to catch me on Twitter & Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking about this with Doc, the other day. I love the trope and I'm even fine with it in Maverick Hunter X where he's calling out every attack, but it really detracts from finishers in Toku. In the Battride games you can hear an attack called out 50 times in a few minutes that was only used once in a year's worth of content.

    Really deflates the specialness in that scenario.
