
All Final Smashes Are Not Created Equal (Super Smash Bros 4)

This is my boomstick!

While Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS' visuals are bolstered by a dazzling array of stages, the Final Smash moves of each character bring the wow-factor to the forefront. Even four-player games can leave friends waiting for a turn, and a little cinematic flair keeps watching from the sidelines a lot more interesting. The chaos that unfolds during the likes of the Giga Bowser transformation or Ness' PK Starstorm keeps up the hype for all involved.

Even so, I quickly noticed that said hype levels are a bit inconsistent among each character's Final Smash. They all have a bit of "cool factor," but some of them really go above and beyond. Perhaps there's some character bias involved, but not all of them leave me wanting to shout "best thing EVER" levels of hyperbole from the rooftops. No, that's pretty much exclusive to Mega Man's Mega Legends move.

Mega Man Final Smash
Mother of God.

Some have expressed disappointment that many of the returning characters have the same Final Smash that they did in Brawl, but it's a complaint that I can easily shrug off. Over in the Street Fighter series, Ryu has had some form of souped up Hadoken as a Super or Ultra move in every game since 1994. Even though a completely new set of moves would be great fun, some just fit too much to get rid of. I imagine it's also nice for those that may have mained characters like Olimar or Meta Knight to be able to fall back on existing strategies. As much as we pine for each iteration of our vidya games to feel as shiny and new as possible, being thrown into completely unfamiliar territory can just as easily feel "wrong."

Each Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS might not be equally swoon-worthy, but seeing this cast have any form of all-powerful "super move" is still pretty wonderful. It's not like the cinematic specials of other fighting games like Street Fighter IV's Ultra Combos or Marvel vs Capcom 3's Level 3 Supers are all on equal footing, so I'm not going to get too huffy over Smash 4 following suit. Still, it's not hard to imagine how much more exciting the game might be if every Final Smash were on the level of Mega Legends or NES Zapper Posse.

Random tangent: I now know what the name of my next band has to be.

If you'd like to see all of the new Final Smashes in action, Game Xplain has uploaded a handy dandy compilation showcasing exactly that:

Man, that Mega Man Final Smash is really somethin' else. Anyway, you can keep up with CGS on the social medias via Twitter & Facebook!

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