
Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 Highlights

List-post incoming in 3, 2, 1...

Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 is now behind us. Over 160 games were played over six days, and the donation drive was a great success. I wrote before about not having the time to check it out live, but I've finally been able to catch some highlights via Youtube. Let's go through a few of them below!

It only seems fitting to start off with a four-way race to finish Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. This is easily one of my favorite games and I still love seeing it. Skip to around 7 minutes in to get to the good stuff!

Now it's time to watch players work together to beat one of the most notoriously frustrating games into submission. Battletoads never knew what hit it. The run starts around the 3:30 mark.

Here's a newer addition to the speedrunning world: Shovel Knight. This was one of my favorite games of 2014 and I'm glad to see it's been so well received. This run has commentary from a few of the developers once things get rolling, making it well worth checking out.

Punch-Out!! (Wii) was also given some much needed love. This is a game that's pretty fun to watch no matter what, and breezing right through it is extra satisfying. Seeing Little Mac whoop up on all these scary opponents always makes me feel like even I can do anything.

There's something oddly magical about seeing a room full of applause for Tetris: The Grand Master 3 gameplay.

I've already watched plenty of Mega Man X playthroughs this year, so what harm is one more?

I Wanna Be The Boshy is an intentionally infuriating game with difficulty that makes most players experience several existential crises. This isn't a perfect run, but it's about as close as you can possibly expect.

This Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels playthrough is GDQ at its best. There's plenty of skill level on display, the runner has a fun but laid back personality, and there's a great balance between game commentary and donation messages. The overall vibe is nothing short of ideal.

It's kind of inevitable that there is going to be some awkwardness, however. If you want to see an early montage of weird or uncomfortable moments from this year's run, have at it.

Here's the final wrap up showing why any potential goofiness is well worth it. AGDQ 2015 raised around one and a half million dollars for charity. That's nothing short of amazing.

That's that! For future updates, you can find Castle Geek-Skull on Twitter & Facebook!

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