
Megan Fox Killed Off in Transformers 3?

Worst has posted what is essentially the first big rumor about the 3rd live action Transformers movie. Apparently, director Michael Bay and writer Ehren Kruger may be preparing to kill off Megan Fox's character early on in the film. It might be pure bullshit, but for now, let's treat it as true.

First of all, even though I have no attachment to Fox's character "Mikaela", killing off characters, especially in a "final" installment just feels weak to me. It's a go-to cliche, isn't it? The pressure is on for some big, memorable, dramatic moment, and 9 out of 10 times it seems that creators answer that with DEATH. Remember when that last Harry Potter book was about to be released, and the only question on anyone's lips was "WHO'S GONNA DIE?!" Of course, the author gave in and filled the pages with many a fatality. It's so played out, isn't it? Come on, Transformers movie guys, figure something else out.

However, many speculate the possible death of Mikaela is because of Fox's slights against Bay in the press. Even though she is not the first of Bay's actors to have a word or two against him, and ignoring that Bay has been known for his own bitingly negative mouth, tons of live action Transformer fanboys (many of whom credit Bay for all that is holy and good) now have a huge grudge against Fox. The common response to this rumor from those sorts has largely been along the lines of "YEAH, THAT'S WHAT SHE GETS!!!"

Come on. If killing Megan Fox off is just "revenge" for her not kissing Michael Bay's ass in interviews, eh, isn't that kind of goofy? The "YEAH, SCREW MEGAN FOX!!!" crowd are being equally silly, sorry to say. Surely, I can't be the only one that realizes..putting her in the movie = a pay day! How exactly does she lose when she walks away with a big check? Money in the bank and an incredibly easy job given the limited time on set 'cos she's just gonna croak anyway?! HA! HA! That'll show her!!!!

The only actual way to "get back" at Fox would be to have her completely recast or something to that effect. That'd be met with just as much "har har!" sentiment, I'm sure, but at least it wouldn't be a completely ridiculous way of sticking it to her. Personally, I'd hate that. Recasts in sequels stick out and take you out of the experience a bit, and given my thoughts about the oh-so easy plot device that is killing off a main character, I'd rather Mikaela just stick around in some capacity, but really, I say what the hell ever! At this stage, given how displeased I am with the Transformers films, I don't even know if I'm going to bother seeing the third one, so it might not effect me regardless of what they decide.


  1. Oh Megan. What can I say? I myself am not a fan of Ms. Fox in the slightest(see: Jennifer's Body). Would I mind seeing her killed on screen? Not at all. But I totally agree that its played out and it makes things really easy for her too. Blah. If she broke both her legs and they replaced her with CG... THAT is what would be awesome. Hilariously awesome. Or she could be replaced with a talking puppy. That'd work too.

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!

    Side note: Jennifers body looks like it might posibly be the biggest crapfest since... ummm... fredy got fingered. I knwo those are totaly different movies but my level of disgust/revulsion for them is similar.

  3. Ok, I was 3/4 asleep when I posted this last night. I just read the title and commented based on that and no on subsequent reading see that my post is one of the ones that is ignorant... pesonally I think ALL the humans should be dead (of old age) a nice little time skip, going forward a generation kind of like from season 2 to season 3. get some newer transformers in the mix. new less sappy humans. and other pipe deam stuff that wont happen. Unicrons arrival, the destruction of the moon and or earth, the journy back to cybertron with some amazing piece of Deus Ex Machina to revive their world. and ofrourse Optimus Prime gets to add to his Face collection. "

    "Galvatron, Give me your face!"
