
Halloween for Breakfast

It's nothing new, but man, I love when Halloween rolls around and you can find the likes of Boo Berry in grocery aisles again. Tonight, I'm actually eating that very cereal for dinner. Ah, the single life. The...single, geek-ass life. Whatever you want to call it - I'm rocking it.

Before month's end, I'm sure I'll have gone through a box or two each of the famous monster cereals still available. Plus, there's that Halloween edition of Cap'n Crunch with "ghosts" that...TURN MILK A SPOOKY, SPOOKY GREEN. How can you say no to that?

Even though I love this holiday, I rarely do much to celebrate it. Well, not in the expected way of dressing up and/or going to parties, anyway. I may not boogie down with Halloween, but I'll be damned if I stand by without at least fucking EATING it.

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