
Superman Lives Costume Test

Before Superman Returns, there was "Superman Lives," a Kevin Smith written (and later re-written) affair with crazy ass Tim Burton in the director's chair. Burton was set to peer through the monitors at none other than Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just Nicolas Cage in the lead role. The movie was apparently inspired by the death and return Superman story arc from the early 90s comic books. You know, the super popular Doomsday story that got mass media coverage. It never made it into theaters, of course, but ever so slowly, more and more of the pre-production materials have surfaced.

And now...just in time for Halloween - the scariest shit ever unleashed upon human eyes:

Excuse me while I puke.

This is from Tim Burton.JP. You can find other costume designs and concept art from the film there as well. Take a look - if you dare.


  1. THEBESTEVAR!!!!!!!111!!1!one!!!

    "Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just Nicolas Cage" = win

  2. OMG.... I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...

    They were smoking some good shit when they though this was a good Idea.

  3. OH MY GOD...... That just looks soooo bad. its almost as bad as the treatment Jon Peters had Kevin write now THAT was bad.
