
FanArt Frenzy Mar 27, 2014: Featuring Clockworkdandy, w/ Snoopy, Star Trek, Starbomb, & Hellboy!

Welcome to FanArt Frenzy Compilation #2! This week's feature is the wonderful Clockworkdandy:

This combination of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and The Peanuts' Snoopy and Woodstock taps into a fun level of madness only found in the best mashups. Imagining these two getting into the same nonsense as the character's they are dressed as is quite amusing indeed.

This Vaporeon sketch carries a personalized touch that is quite bold! Fans of major franchises like Pokemon tend to like established aesthetics and designs to stay relatively the same. Putting this piece out there despite it straying a bit from the standard look is respectably brave. "I'm a fan of this and I drew it, MY way. Check it out." is the exact attitude that we like to see around these parts!

Despite being a quick piece done while watching Star Trek, this Spock sketch has an impressive amount of personality. The poor guy looks like he needs a hug.

Finally, this Starbomb fanart is what initially drew us to the work of Clockworkdandy. The line work is crisp and energetic and the colours with a u are flippin' beautiful. It's making me seriously reconsider my overly blue, black, and grey wardrobe.

Clockworkdandy clearly has a lot of potential and I'm sure there will be lots more awesome stuff coming from them in the future! If you'd like to keep up to date, you know what to do:

Alright now, let's wind down with a look at some of this week's Hellboy Fanart! This past week marked the 20th Anniversary of the character in print. Mike Mignola's gorgeous artwork has inspired countless artists. Here are three examples:

The first is from CT-Alpha's Andy Turnbull, a return guest from last week's FanArt Frenzy! This is a nice take on the character that somehow feels "oldschool." I love how it strays from the iconic Mignola style while still keeping the appropriate feel. Again, you can keep up with Andy Turnbull on Tumblr & Twitter!

Here's another return guest: NHOJ! NHOJ's take on Hellboy is also refreshingly unique, with the same vibrant personality found in all of his work. NHOJ's primary Internet sanctum can be found on Tumblr.

Our last piece is from Gavin Mitchell, who took some Mignola-style line work and made it his own. The colors and basic composition are lovely here. It may seem like the simplest thing, but it seriously takes talent to draw a single figure that effectively fills the frame like this without looking crammed in or awkward. For more, consider giving Mr. Mitchell a "follow" on Twitter!

That's the end for this edition of FanArt Frenzy! If you have any interest in showcasing your art here next week, just contact me through the comment section below, the CGS Twitter, or the CGS Facebook!

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