
The Gimp from Pulp Fiction Might Become the Best Action Figure Ever Made

Pulp Fiction Gimp ReAction figure
Funko's ReAction "The Gimp" Figure

Move over, "The Meat" from Rocky, there's a new contender for "Best Action Figure Ever" in town!

As part of Funko's ever-expanding Kenner-style ReAction line, we're finally going to be able to get our hands on an action figure of The Gimp from Pulp Fiction this July. Cue the heavenly choir sounds. This is amazing.

Many of the other primary characters, like Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega, are also included in the assortment. There's even a figure of Jimmie! He knows how fudging good his coffee is, ok?!

Pulp Fiction Action Figures
Did you notice a sign in the front of my house that said "Dead Noodle Storage?"

I am so down to buy all of these and re-live my favorite moments over and over. The whole point of the ReAction line is to show us what an older movie's potential toyline might have looked like, and imagining kids circa 1994 crashing their Jules and Vincent figures together on the playground, yelling out classic lines like "Don't be tellin' me about foot massages!" is making me cackle up a storm.

If you'd also like to join in on the fun, here are a slew of handy-dandy Pre-Order thumbnails courtesy of Entertainment Earth:

Pulp Fiction Jules Winnfield ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Figure Pulp Fiction Vincent Vega ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Pulp Fiction Mia Wallace ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Figure Pulp Fiction Marsellus Wallace ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Figure

Pulp Fiction Butch Coolidge ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Figure Pulp Fiction Jimmie Dimmick ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Figure Pulp Fiction The Wolf ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Figure Pulp Fiction The Gimp ReAction 3 3/4-Inch Retro Figure

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