
Evangelion Doritos! How Did I Miss These?!

Neon Genesis Evangelion Doritos
The most natural product tie-in ever.

Why am I only just now finding out that there were Doritos manufactured with Evangelion artwork all over the packaging? These were only recently pointed out to me by Twitter's JapanCinema. Upon further investigation, the Evangelion branded Doritos were originally on the shelves seven years ago! What was I doing with my life in 2007 that was too important to notice such wonderment? Furthermore, why do I want them so freaking bad?

The oddities that come from the world of promotional marketing never cease to amaze me. I'm even more amazed at how easily I can be swayed by it. I once purchased (and kept) a box of Cheez-Its just because it had Darth Vader on the front! I guess I have a bit too much Dinosaur Dracula in me. The vortex of pop culture obsession is powerful indeed.

Star Wars Cheez-Its
The messy Geek-Skull bedroom, circa: a long freaking time ago.

Now, I'm not so far gone that I buy every ridiculous product tie-in I see. Were Hostess' Transformers promotional "Snoballimus Optimus Prime" snacks the exact kind of "goofy" worth buying? You bet they were, but I managed to escape their allure with my $3 fully intact. If Evangelion Doritos had somehow found their way to North America however, well, that would be a whole different story!

PS: How is it that 2000-freaking-7 is already so far into the past already? I'm seriously going to have to kick time in the face one of these days.

End of line! If you want to keep up with Castle Geek-skull on the webs, follow on Twitter @castlegeekskull and "like" on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. do you know how much I could sell for a sealed pack of these?
