
Dead Rising 3 DLC is a Capcom Love Fest (E3 2014)

Here comes a new challenger indeed!

I've only barely begun my vicarious E3 2014 experience. After watching some actual coverage, the new Dead Rising 3 DLC (hilariously titled Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha) is the first reveal to truly jump out at me. If you're a fan of pretty much any Capcom franchise, there's probably something in there for you. It's freaking beautiful. Behold:

Eee! Let's comb through that a bit. Screenshot time!

Here are our lovely heroes. Annie is now playable, and Chuck and Frank from the first two DR games have returned.

There's no finer way to spend an evening than punching zombies with Mike Haggar.

Ryu with a minigun? Why not?

Yes, that's a super meter. Dead Rising 3 is going to have freaking super moves now.

This isn't quite what I had in mind when I heard Dino Crisis might return this year, but I'll take it!

Yeah. Anything that allows me to throw a freaking Zankuu Hadouken at zombies with Akuma is A OK in my book.

Oh, god! Is that zombie M Bison?

And thus, the greatest DLC release title of all time was born. The logo even has the dash!

There's even a Captain Commando costume! Too good. It's just too good.

Capcom turns 31 on June 11, 2014, and this is quite a way to celebrate! Happy 31th!

Whew! That's a lot of Capcom love, and these screenshots only scratch the surface! Between all of the amazing costumes and new features, this is truly fan service gone wild.

My experience with the Dead Rising series has been a blast thus far, and I was bummed when Dead Rising 3 was announced as an XBox One exclusive. Fortunately, a PC release was recently revealed, but the amazing Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha DLC is currently set to be an XBox Live exclusive. Judging by the trailer, this is absolutely not something I can miss out on. If it means one day I actually buy an XBox One despite all prior plans, so be it.

If you already own the console and the game, why are you still reading this nonsense? Do yourself a favor and get the new DLC right freaking now! It's already out and it looks like an absolute joy to play. I really hope I get to experience it myself one day.

Ok, enough! If you want to keep up with future posts, you can do so by following on Twitter @castlegeekskull & liking on Facebook!

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