
The Internet is Making it Pretty Hard Not to Want Mario Kart 8

Mario gears up for a race through the Thwomp Ruins in Mario Kart 8.

I spend more than my fair share of time online, so of course, I usually see a barrage of content and marketing surrounding each new major video game release. It's common enough that it all tends to become easily ignored white noise, but there are definitely times when I can't help getting caught up in the buzz. I'm happy to add Mario Kart 8 to that lovely list of exceptions.

Does it help that I already knew I wanted to play the game as soon as I saw all of its characters together on Nintendo's website? Well yeah, but everything else I've seen since then has only served to bolster my interest. Now that Mario Kart 8 is out in the wild, I'm getting reminded left and right how badly I need to be playing it.

Each time I've signed into Facebook this weekend, I've been greeted by "suggested posts" showing off one of Mario Kart 8's many high review scores.

When visiting sites like Reddit, I've seen plenty of humorous images regarding the gameplay. Much like Dark Souls, 150cc difficulty will own your ass!

Naturally, the game is trending on Twitter, and my feed has offered up plenty of wonderful endorsements.

There's a lot of love to be found on Youtube as well. If you like "Let's Play" or walkthrough videos, there are a growing number right there waiting for you. There's even a freakin' Mario Kart 8 music video already. Best of all however are the beautiful "Luigi Death Stare" compilations that have rapidly become a viral phenomenon!

I missed out on Mario Kart Wii entirely, but there's no way I'm going to let Mario Kart 8 pass me by after seeing all of this. I don't even have a Wii U at the moment, but you can be sure that's something I'll be correcting very shortly. I'm thrilled that the game has been so well received thus far, and I greatly look forward to finally playing it myself.

That about does it! To catch futurue updates, you can follow on Twitter (@castlegeekskull) or "like" on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, seriously! My Wii U bricked last year and I never sent it in to get fixed. The regret I have now!
