
Getting In The Halloween Mood

Behold: the makings of the dumbest still life painting ever.

It's hard to believe that October is already upon us, but I'm certainly not going to complain. The breakneck pace of time is usually grounds for disgust, but I almost find myself wanting to give it a (temporary) pass if it means the wait between each Halloween only feels momentary. Halloween is easily my favorite of the major holidays. It's hardly as stressful as the rest, and its embrace of all things macabre is great fun. As the weather finally begins to cool and storefronts fill with gloriously tacky skeleton and jack-o'-lantern decor, I find myself in a much better mood than most other times of the year.

Regardless, my personal celebration of Halloween is generally low-key. I usually get around to watching a horror movie or two, fall down the Monster Cereals rabbit hole, and vicariously revisit spooky old games, but that's about it. It may seem a paltry list of activities, but it's almost enough to get by on.

The glue that really holds this holiday together for me is the Dinosaur Dracula Halloween Countdown. I've followed its author's amazingly fun reviews of all things spooky/scary since they were hosted on pop culture Mecca X-Entertainment, and stopping by for each new installment is always a blast. I'm not able to indulge in ghoulish goods as much as I'd like, but Dino Drac is there to pick up the slack.

From the ashes, a hero will rise.

If you're looking for a fun way to help get in the Halloween mood, Dinosaur Dracula's Countdown has my highest recommendation. You're going to be kicked in the face with an onslaught of humorous product reviews, heartwarming nostalgia, and simple decoration ideas. It's a damn good time, and it always helps me get more out of the holiday. I wouldn't have even thought of throwing together the humble Halloween Mood Table seen up top without it!

While seeing the calendar flip to October and standing before giant endcaps of candy corn helped get the ball rolling, Dinosaur Dracula is making sure my love for Halloween is in full swing. Life can be pretty cruddy, but sometimes "the little things" really do help get you through. I'm greatly looking forward to whatever this Halloween season has in store.

I'm wanted in ten states for tearing the labels off of mattresses. You can keep up with more of my ramblings via Twitter & Facebook!

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