
Mountain Dew Game Fuel Lemonade Review

Do the eww?

Despite a lackluster experience with the mass-release of Baja Blast, I've just given in to yet another Mountain Dew flavor. Their latest vidya games tie-in promotion has delivered the new Game Fuel Lemonade, and I wasn't able to resist its alluring yellow glow. I enjoy both "Dew" and lemonade alike, so what could go wrong?

Of course, Mountain Dew and lemonade have fairly distinct flavors. I'd expect a combination of them to have an equally unique taste. However, I felt an initial worry that the lemonade half of this mad equation would be far too overpowering. Naturally, there was only one way to find out for sure.

Okay, I don't know why I've been writing this in such a dramatic, past-tense style. I feel like one of those Youtubers that presents a two or three minute build up to even telling you what their video is about despite knowing everyone watching has already read the title. I drank the soda, okay? I drank it so hard. As for the taste...well, let's go with another dramatic pause.

I bet the Magneto and Mister Sinister review would have been far more direct.

My concern about Game Fuel Lemonade just tasting like...lemonade was quickly thrown out the window. For me, it turns out the opposite was true. The smell and taste alike were far more in the realm of regular, plain old Mountain Dew. There wasn't anything to make me completely turn my nose up, but I found the "ooh" factor you hope for with a limited edition flavor lacking. This should seem like something special, not run of the mill.

Perhaps I've tried so many Mountain Dew flavors that they're all simply starting to run together. Maybe my taste buds are just shot. Freakin' taste buds. I'm sure plenty of you reading this would like Game Fuel Lemonade just fine, but nothing about it jumped out at me at all. I'd love to be able to shout praise from the rooftops, but unfortunately a big ol' shrug was the only urge I was left with.

But that's okay. I was able to turn that shrug into a sexy dance. Watch out, ladies.

Ah man, now I'm all jacked up on high fructose corn syrup. You can keep up with Castle Geek-Skull's future adventures on Twitter & Facebook!

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