Showing posts with label mountain dew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mountain dew. Show all posts


Mountain Dew Game Fuel Lemonade Review

Do the eww?

Despite a lackluster experience with the mass-release of Baja Blast, I've just given in to yet another Mountain Dew flavor. Their latest vidya games tie-in promotion has delivered the new Game Fuel Lemonade, and I wasn't able to resist its alluring yellow glow. I enjoy both "Dew" and lemonade alike, so what could go wrong?

Baja Blast Hits Stores (How My Affair with Mountain Dew May Have Ended)

Moutain Dew Baja Blast bottle
Baja Blast Mountain Dew. Bottled. In Stores. God help us.

Ok, I admit it! I tend to be a sucker for any new Mountain Dew product. Whenever there's some new version on the shelves, I inevitably end up giving it a try. I know it's awful for me, but I keep getting lured in all the same. Even after the decision to cut soda and it's nasty cohort high fructose corn syrup from my life, I couldn't help myself from giving in when I spotted "Baja Blast" (the flavor famous for only being available at Taco Bell) at my local grocery store. Crap.