
Baja Blast Hits Stores (How My Affair with Mountain Dew May Have Ended)

Moutain Dew Baja Blast bottle
Baja Blast Mountain Dew. Bottled. In Stores. God help us.

Ok, I admit it! I tend to be a sucker for any new Mountain Dew product. Whenever there's some new version on the shelves, I inevitably end up giving it a try. I know it's awful for me, but I keep getting lured in all the same. Even after the decision to cut soda and it's nasty cohort high fructose corn syrup from my life, I couldn't help myself from giving in when I spotted "Baja Blast" (the flavor famous for only being available at Taco Bell) at my local grocery store. Crap.

For some reason, trying new Mountain Dew flavors has managed to became a "thing" for me. Sure, there have been some varieties I actually enjoyed in the past, but I admit it's gotten to that dangerous place of habitual "just because." I buy it, I drink it, and I talk about it online. I've even found myself documenting new "Dew" finds on social media. Oh, there's a Dark Knight Rises tie-in flavor called "Dark Berry?" Well then, I'd better hunt it down and photograph it:

Dark Berry Mountain Dew: LEGO minifigure tested, Lockdown approved.

The worst part of it all? It seems I enjoy each new Mountain Dew release less and less. Even with Batman slapped all over the packaging, 2012's "Dark Berry" definitely wasn't my jam. My next "new Dew" experience was with the recent "Kickstart" drinks that combine Mountain Dew with ingredients like citrus juice and the remnants of demonic sacrifices. My personal end result was the sourest of sour faces. With the new "Baja Blast" release, I had to give up on it after getting through half of the bottle's contents:

Baja Blast Mountain Dew 20 ounce
Why even drink *that* much if it's not to your taste, amirite?

Perhaps I got a "bad batch" somehow, but the taste was far from the heavenly dose of tropical lime that most have so enthusiastically championed. In fact, I found it to have an off-putting chalky aftertaste that only got worse with each sip. For now, I unfortunately have to file this one under the "icky" column.

Bottled, retail-sold "Baja Blast" has been one of the most requested releases from Mountain Dew drinkers over the years. I really don't enjoy giving "bad reviews," so part of me is pretty bummed that I was unable to enjoy this. On the other hand? I'm actually a bit relieved that I won't have to fight the temptation to buy any more. Despite the carnivals and fireworks others may be throwing for it, the release of "Baja Blast" might actually mark my last foray into grabbing new Mountain Dew just for the hell of it.

PS: For those of you that can't find this stuff but still want to give it a try, there's a homemade recipe that's been circling the web. It's quite easy to conjure up: just combine 3 parts Mountain Dew with 1 part Mountain Berry Blast (blue) Powerade. Try at your own risk.

So, I guess that's it. If you want to tell me how dumb I am for not liking "Baja Blast," you can do so on Twitter @castlegeekskull and Facebook!

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