
Goodbye, 2014.

Hasta la vista.

Well, here we are at the end of yet another year. It's terribly unoriginal, but I'm compelled to bust out the "boy, time really flies" saying. Sometimes it's alarming how cool I am.

Before I dive into my thoughts about 2014 as a whole, you can check out some of my highlights from the likes of toys, gaming, and comics below:

Everything above did a lot to help keep me sane, but 2014 was pretty rough for me on a personal level. Hopes were dashed, goals were unmet, and I lost the only consistently positive force I had. I know this isn't the sort of talk that anyone comes here for, but I can't really ignore that if I'm going to talk about my year. I'd rather be honest and "write what I know" than pretend it's been all smiles.

I'm not writing any of this for pity, however. I'll freely admit that the majority of what went wrong for me this year (and any prior) is completely my fault. I should have all the inspiration I need to turn that around, because I'm not even close to where I want to be in any aspect of my life. Unfortunately, those realizations can easily have the opposite effect.

When you feel like you have nothing, it's somehow difficult to wrap your head around getting on track. You can daydream about what you want, but each step is so incremental that it hardly seems to matter. I made all sorts of goals for myself this year, and I fell short with just about all of them. If I think about it, it's been that way for the last ten years. Few of the thoughts that follow are positive.

While I can say I know what I need to do to overcome all of this, that's been the case for some time. I wanted nothing more than to finally have a year where I ticked all the boxes on my to-do list, but I still ended up letting depression and all of life's pesky little setbacks get the best of me. Of course, I want to continue on by saying "and I'm done with that!" That is how I feel, but I'm beyond tired of letting myself down after making such proclamations.

I want to accomplish so much more with my creative endeavors, make Castle Geek-Skull a site truly worth visiting, improve my appearance and overall health, and hopefully become a more interesting and welcome person to talk to and have around. I could go on and on. There's a lot to do, and many things absolutely have to change. Rather than make any promises, perhaps it's best to say "I'll try."

I truly appreciate it if you've stuck with me this far. Hopefully 2015 will be a better year for us all. Onward and upward.

If you'd like, feel free to keep up with Castle Geek-Skull on Twitter & Facebook!

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