
The Marvel Universe Is "Coming To An End"? So What?!

"Time runs out. Everything ends. The Secret Wars commence!"

Some of you stumbling across this probably already hate me from the title alone. Hear me out!

One of today's hottest topics is Marvel's announcement that the upcoming Secret Wars event will bring the Ultimate and 616 Marvel Universes together. One of the most commonly reported phrases is that the "Marvel Universe is coming to an end." How dramatic!

It's important to note what Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso has actually stated thus far. While the much-teased "Battleworld" from the new Secret Wars will impact the Marvel Universe going forward, to say it's going to end everything entirely could well be an exaggeration. Marvel is using the line "everything ends" as part of the promotional campaign, but to what extent? A major change in status quo is obviously at hand, but the current information hardly suggests the existing continuity is being completely erased.

Alex Ross must be kept on speed-dial for these sort of things.

Of course, an announcement like this was always going to be met with some degree of backlash. The press event even admitted as much. While I understand the passion that might inspire any negative reactions, I really think it's best to wait and see how this actually plays out. The corresponding books haven't even been published yet!

Okay, maybe "Battleworld" sounds like something out of a high-schooler's fan-fiction, but it could bring us an interesting story or two. And even if the event does turn out to be a bunch of nonsense, I'm going to take a wild guess that plenty of worthwhile Marvel comics are going to published once it's over.

But hey, maybe I'm too quick to shrug my shoulders here. After all, I'm the type to stick with TV shows well past their prime in hopes that they'll eventually get back on track. I know that's not so easy for everyone. If you find you can't jive with whatever Marvel has planned, that's fair enough. I just hope you hold off on that conclusion until the books are actually on the shelves.

If you're curious to see where all of this goes, Secret Wars #1 is now available for Pre-Order.

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