Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts


5 Sugary Standbys Of Halloween

One of the byproducts of my love for Halloween is a tendency to hang around in the seasonal areas of my local retail chains and grocery stores. Even if I don't make a purchase, being surrounded by inflatable ghosts, skull shaped candle holders, and jack-o'-lantern pails is something of a comfort. I'm pretty sure I was just born this way.

Of course, even more ubiquitous than decorations, toys, and even costumes are reams and reams of candy assortments and other tooth rotting delights. Just about every snack food you can think of tends to get doctored up in bat-riddled orange and black packaging around this time of year, even those you probably wouldn't naturally associate with it. (I'm looking at you, Goldfish crackers.)

Despite the commonality of it all, there are at least a few that I absolutely adore seeing return to the shelves each October. I think I smell a list-post coming on! Here are 5 sugary standbys of Halloween:

Candy Corn!


When Fighting Games and The Powerpuff Girls Collide

Here they come, just in time.

I love fighting games, and I love The Powerpuff Girls. As I watched a bit of Evo 2014 today, I saw the two worlds collide. I almost can't believe I'm posting about such a trivial thing, but I have to give props to player JuniorSauce666 for rocking a Powerpuff Girls shirt while playing Killer Instinct: