Showing posts with label bonecrusher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bonecrusher. Show all posts


TFC Toys Neckbreaker Protoype Images

The TFC Toys Weibo has been updated once more, this time with images of Neckbreaker from their series of modern Transformers Generation 1 Constructicon toys. Neckbreaker is the TFC Toys version of Bonecrusher, the bulldozer that formed the left arm of Devastator. As you can see, there are two different transformations for the legs: one being a modern take and the other a more slavish nod to Bonecrusher's original Generation 1 design. Though the images only show the resin prototype, it's easy to tell this is going to be a good one. Keep your eyes peeled...we're sure to see him in color soon enough.

If you missed it, we posted the prototype of the combined form of these "Not" Constructicons yesterday: TFC Toys Hercules (Third Party G1 Devastator) Combined Mode Prototype