Showing posts with label sixshot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sixshot. Show all posts


Third Party Transformers Sixshot - Mastermind Terminus Hexatron Color Scheme Reveals

From TFW2005:
3rd Party group Mastermind Creations has uploaded two color schemes for their upcoming Terminus Hexatron figure to their Facebook page. The group is asking for fans opinions for the figure's first color scheme. The first image shows Hexatron in a traditional Generation 1 deco titled "Civil War:Format". The 2nd color scheme called "WWI: Format" is similar to the G1 deco but with more muted colors and a neon glow to certain areas ala War For Cybertron. There are two more decos, "Ghost" and "Shattered", have not been revealed yet, so keep it here and when new images become available we'll post them.
I'm not a "third party Transformer" kinda guy, but those do look all kinds of pimpin'. For those into this sort of thing, it should pretty exciting stuff.