Showing posts with label transformer toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transformer toys. Show all posts


Custom Transformers Classics Fortress Maximus

From TFW2005's chansformers, this is a custom Transformers Classics Fortress Maximus. This is based on the recent TFCon exclusive Stronghold add-on kit from Headrobots that turns your Transformers Universe (2.0) Onslaught into an assimilation of G1 Cerebros, Fortress Maximus' head master. Chansformers took that idea and really ran with it, greatly amplifying the Cerebros/Fortress Maximus likeness. The results are pretty much bad ass.

If you'd like to see the rest of the pictures, tank mode included, check out the original thread in TFW2005's Radicons section HERE. If you're a member, don't forget to tell chansformers what you think of his work!


Transformers Classics Powermaster Optimus Prime Custom

From TFW2005's spoonman, this is a custom Transformers Classics Powermaster Optimus Prime. The original PM Prime was a childhood favorite of mine, so seeing this done so well hits home. If you'd like to see the rest of the pictures, including the various other modes, check out the original thread in TFW2005's Radicons section HERE. Don't forget to tell spoonman what you think of his work!


Transformers MP10 Masterpiece Convoy Images from e-Hobby

E-Hobby has posted some clearer photographs of the upcoming Transformers MP10 Masterpiece Convoy (also known as Optimus Prime, naturally!) from TakaraTomy:

As shown, this new Masterpiece Convoy will come with quite a few goodies, including a small Spike Witwicky, a Roller unit, and an energon axe! Good times indeed.

Extensive Transformers Dark of the Moon Jetwing Optimus Prime Gallery

Over at The Higekuma Toy Blog, two large galleries featuring many new images of Jetwing Optimus Prime has been posted. As of now, it remains a TakaraTomy exclusive from the Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon line. Check out the rest of the gallery HERE and HERE.

UPDATE: A crazy custom of the chair-of-doom glider version has been made! Check it out!