
Geek-Skull's Top Ten LEGO Minifigures

When LEGO introduced its line of blind-packed Minifigures in 2010, the toy collectors of the world went buck damn wild! I initially only watched from afar, but I eventually got roped right in. Before I knew it, I was pouring over checklists and searching like mad for the latest releases. I caught the Minifigure fever.

With blindpacked toys, I prefer to grab a couple at random and see what I happen to get. I didn't see much of the same sentiment from other collectors however. Everyone knows all about the "feel test" where you grope bag after bag trying to identify which figure is inside. I once spotted a couple sitting in the floor of my local Target surrounded by what appeared to be the store's entire stock, gleefully feeling away. There's probably a dirty joke in there somewhere.

As much fun as I was having just rolling the dice, in the back of my mind I too was hoping to walk away with that one special figure. You already know this is a list post, so let's get right to it. Here are my ten favorite LEGO Minifigures (so far!)

As with my Katamari Cousin Top Ten, I'm starting the list off with a luchador; the Series 1 Super Wrestler! With high-flying maneuvers and mean-stares a plenty, he looks like he could easily bust up any other Minifigure around.

This is Disco Dude from Series 2. Do you seriously need me to explain why he's included here? Look at him. JUST LOOK!

Even though I'm arranging this list by series, the Series 2 Maraca Man is probably my all-time favorite Minifigure, blind bagged or otherwise. The 'stache. The poncho. The colors. If I had a band, I'd want Maraca Man to be my lead percussionist. He is perfection.

Well, here he is. The inclusion of the Series 4 Hazmat Guy should come as no shock. This toy was an absolute head turner, creating tons of new Minifigure collectors. He was actually quite difficult to find for a while. Somehow, the comical presentation of a poor little guy having a horrible time in the midst of a factory meltdown turned out to be completely squee-inducing. Even after much of the fanfare has died down, Hazmat Guy is still one of my favorite toys of the last few years.

I grew up watching a lot of Godzilla movies, so the inclusion of the Lizard Man in Series 5 was an instant way into my heart. It's pretty easy to imagine this guy in the midst of a kick-ass kaiju battle scene, complete with little "rargh!" noises.

The Series 6 Clockwork Robot is basically a toy of a toy. Sorry if I just blew your mind. The likes of windup robots are true classics in the toy world, so this won me over by concept alone. It doesn't hurt that the retro style just flat out looks cool.

Aha! You might have been expecting my Series 7 pick to be the more sought after Galaxy Patrol. That's a cool toy, but I'm personally more taken with the Daredevil. The costume is perfect, and the facial expression captures the whole "I'm about to jump my motorcycle over a ravine and I ain't even scared!" vibe perfectly. Plus, I can't help being reminded me of the Marvel Comic character of the same name. That's never a bad thing.

The Vampire Bat from Series 8 is my favorite of all the spooky scary Minifigures. He's as evil as they come, but joyfully so. He may want to suck your blood, but he's hoping to share a good laugh about it afterward. Vampire Bat is a good dude. Mostly.

Next up is Mr. Good and Evil from Series 9. Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde isn't the first concept I would have put on a Minifigure wishlist, but it turned out quite amazing.

I wonder how many of these were mailed to the Angry Video Game Nerd.

Here we are at our final entry, the Yeti from Series 11. With his Popsicle and pouty under-bite, the Yeti is absolutely adorable and I want to be his BFF. Plus, I can pretend he's a toy of Umaro from my beloved Final Fantasy VI. I should try to build a LEGO version of the entire cast.

While each Minifigure series is represented here other than 3 and 10, covering as many as possible was never my goal. My favorites just happened to be that well distributed. There are plenty of others that I love, but it feels like a lot of them are only at their best once you manage to track down their apparent "partners" (i.e. the Series 8 Lederhosen Guy and Series 11 Pretzel Girl.) While the entire line has been a blast to collect, strong stand-alone Minifigures like Hazmat Guy and Lizard Man are what really keep me coming back time and time again.

I'm sure some of you reading this will feel I left off something important, so feel free to let me know about YOUR personal favorites in the comment section below. I promise, I meant no harm! Stop looking at me like that!

Now, the usual promotional wrap-up: You can keep up with Castle Geek-Skull from here via Twitter and Facebook!


  1. nice list! i would add the Chickenman, too. He's one of my favorites.

    i forgot about that hazmat guy. onto eBay to find him!

  2. I like the Chickenman as well, but the basic "guy in suit" concept is definitely won out by the Lizard Man for me :)

    Thank you for reading!
