
Moon Knight FanArt Frenzy!

Look out, it's FanArt Frenzy time once again! Last week's installment focused solely on Captain America illustrations to celebrate the new Cap movie's release. This time around we're taking it to a slightly darker corner of the Marvel universe: Moon Knight!

Let's start off with this collaboration between Jesse Barajas (pencils) and Mike Lepine (inks.) The battle-ready, action hero vibe reminds me of the period of comics in which I personally became interested in the character, the 1990s!

I love silly takes on serious characters like this. This is by Doug Michel of Monkey Squad One.

The Moon Knight costume has gone through several changes over the years, but that iconic hood is (usually) left as is. No need to mess with perfection! This piece from Peter Simeti shows it off in all its glory.

Speaking of costumes changes, this team up with Spider-Man by Ben Dorman features the design from the new "Marvel NOW!" Moon Knight series from Warren Ellis and Declan Shelvey.

The series has only been underway for a month now, and the reception thus far has been quite positive, especially regarding the "Mr. Knight" concept. If you need proof, there's already tons of Mr. Knight fanart:

David Witt's take on Mr. Knight has some very cool line work and there's a nice sense of composition. This would be a great pin-up.

John Boren chose to capture the design in closeup, showing just how damn creepy it actually is.

I dig the lighting on this Tim Wilsie piece, especially how reflective he made the crescent symbols appear.

Finally, here's some awesome work from Michael Sambrook. He claims not to have known where the hat came from. I think he might have been channeling a little bit of Gentleman Ghost!

That does it for this week's FanArt Frenzy. The copious links above will lead you to all of these artists' personal pages, so please pay them a visit!

As for me, you can find me on Twitter @castlegeekskull and Facebook! If you have suggestions for next week's feature, or artwork you'd like me to include, let me know!

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