
Gimmicky or Not, I Hope the 2014 Godzilla Toys Succeed!

Bandai Godzilla Atomic Roar figure
That which roars atomically.

Until now, I was totally unaware that there would be mass market toys for the new Godzilla movie. It makes total sense that there would be, but I would have believed you if you told me we'd only be receiving an odd collector-targeted premium figure or two. I can only go by the discussions I've stumbled across online, but my understanding of mass market action figures is that they aren't as sure of a success as they once were.

To go into all of the overarching issues would be a nasty tangent, but when big household names like G.I. Joe aren't even sure hits anymore, you know there's been some serious change going on. Regardless, Godzilla licensees like Jakks and Bandai of America are just freakin' going for it. Several mass market offerings are turning up all over:

Bandai Godzilla 2014 figures
Selections from Bandai's 2014 Godzilla assortment.

"Atomic Roar Godzilla" this, "Destruction City" that! There are several varieties available, and they are pretty much anything but collector-oriented. The sculpt and paint quality of toys like S.H. MonsterArts Kiryu MechaGodzilla won't be found here. The major selling points are gimmicks and action features that make them toys first and display pieces an incredibly distant second. To this I say: good! I hope they have all the success in the world.

Even the "worst" toys out there can still be amazing to kids. Watching crazy old Godzilla movies like Godzilla vs Megalon was a seriously enriching part of my childhood, and the handful of barely-accurate related toys I had were treasured all the same. A new Godzilla movie in theaters and tie-in toys on the shelves might open up the same potential for the youths of today, and that's nothing but a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

If you're still wondering what older collectors are meant to get out of it however, well, the hype for the movie at least has more stores carrying Bandai's more classic Godzilla fare:

King Caesar Bandai 6 inch
The phrase "like a boss" can finally be retired with this photo.

I didn't expect to see my old friend King Caesar when walking into Target, but I was more than pleased when I did. Your local stores may vary, but this is the first time I've seen this toyline in years. I don't want to jump ahead of myself with pure unbridled enthusiasm just yet, but this does show that stores are at least interested in supporting Godzilla merchandise for now.

No matter how the upcoming movie turns out or how little its toyline is catered to older collectors, I seriously hope it all manages to be a grand success. If it helps keep Godzilla alive and kicking while possibly bringing forth a whole new generation of kaiju-loving kids in the process, I'm all for it. Bring it on!

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