
Kellogg's Late Night Snack Cereal Boxes Give Away My Dirty Secret

Insert your own "they're great!" joke here.

Though it's something I'm working on, I'm historically the type that cares way too much what people think of me. It can be paralyzing in many ways. One of the most ridiculous is feeling weird about the mere possibility of someone judging me over the items in my cart when checking out at department or grocery stores. I've even been the sort to throw unneeded stationary, batteries, or cleaning supplies into the mix just to make the overall purchase appear more "adult" or "responsible" when buying things like action figures. I actually have been given crap from people (even cashiers) in the past about my purchases, and the "old me" wanted to completely curl up into a ball and hide rather than rock a well deserved "get funked" or simple "it's a gift" excuse. For shame.

I try to live my life with a little more "IDGAF" attitude these days, but you know, old habits can be difficult to completely turn around. It's probably part of bigger issues that need to be corrected through mystical means, but I do still find myself feeling a bit shy about my purchases here and there. Oddly enough, groceries can be one of the biggest worry inducing items. What if I want to buy horrible sugary kid's cereal for some reason? OH NO, WHAT WILL THEY THINK?!

Well, there's always the "this is associated with breakfast; there's nothing wrong with breakfast!" excuse to fall back on. Even if I actually end up eating the stuff for dinner, tricking people into thinking otherwise with the oh-so-sweet "this is part of my balanced breakfast" cover was all too easy. Now that Kellogg's is selling the likes of Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, and even Special K and Mini Wheats with midnight-themed packaging that reveals the dirty truth, that cover may well be blown.


No way, man. If I take this stuff up to the checkout...they'll know. They'll look at me, frown, and disapprovingly shake their head. I can't deal with that kind of pressure!

OK, so I might be exaggerating for the sake of silliness here. It's my site, I'll write however I want! Still, I pretty much did a double take when I saw huge stacks of these weird midnight snack focused Kellogg's boxes lining the aisles. I'm not sure I really "get it."

Of course, I know all too well there are people that collect all varieties of food products just for their packaging. I even get in on the action my self from time to time. With a long history of colorful mascots and memorable commercials, cereal may well be the biggest of any food item in pop culture. People are incredibly passionate about this stuff. Look no further than Dinosaur Dracula geeking out over Fruity Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute. There aren't enough <3's in the world.

Still, I'm left wondering if a midnight theme will really help move more boxes of Special K. If Kellogg's is simply hoping to broaden their appeal, well hey, best of luck to them. I'm not quite confident it'll work out, but I respect the attempt!

I love wacky cereal boxes as much as the next guy, but call me in a few months when jack-o'-lanterns and ghosts start turning up on them, OK?

OK, enough rambling for now. For more, follow on Twitter and "like" on Facebook!

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