
2014's Monster Cereals Have Absurdly Multilayered Appeal

Given their two-month-per-year sales window, General Mills doesn't need to get overly fancy with the packaging of their Monster Cereals. I'm pretty sure plain white boxes with the names scribbled on in Sharpie would sell just fine. Even so, they really went for the throat this year.

What you're looking at above represents a collaborative effort with DC Comics illustrators Jim Lee, Dave Johnson, and Terry Dodson. The talented trio has given us a fresh new look for the spooky cereal titans that offers just enough stylization without going overboard. If new and different isn't your scene however, the retro style packages have also returned for another round at Target. Needless to say, the potential appeal for this year's dose of Count Chocula, Boo-Berry, & Franken-Berry covers just about every base you can imagine.

While I have you here, you may as well check out Dinosaur Dracula's corresponding video:

I love that so much effort was put into something that would've likely had plenty of success without it. It seems General Mills knows all too well how big of a deal these cereals are, and they're taking great care towards honoring their dedicated fanbase. Now, if they'll just do something about the (lack of) taste, we'll really be cooking.

Totally true facts: I can play every LazyTown song on xylophone. For future Castle Geek-Skull insanity, follow along on Twitter & Facebook!

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