Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts


10 of the Best "Sad Batman" Meme Images

Don't be cry.

While the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Batsuit reveal inspired just as much fan discussion as you'd expect, it also gave us fuel for plenty of ridiculous Photoshop imagery. That is definitely something I can get behind! I've had quite a bit of fun seeing new versions of the "Sad Batman" meme pop-up with "Batfleck" center stage. Let's look through 10 of the best Sad Batman images, shall we?


5 Fun & Geeky Videos Worth Revisiting

TMNT coming out of their shells tour
The Ninja Turtles in the midst of another raucous hardcore anthem.

While the Internet is always moving forward with new memes and viral sensations, going back through old bookmarks to revisit the lulz of days long past can be a great cure for boredom. I especially appreciate anything that features a goofy spin on some of my favorite cartoon, video game, and comic book characters. Ever the generous type, I've decided to share some of my favorites! Here are 5 fun & geeky videos worth revisiting:


10 of the Best Optimus Prime Toys

It's Easter Sunday as of this posting, so it's only natural to have resurrection on the brain. When I think resurrection, I think Optimus Prime: the beloved Autobot hero (or murder machine, if we're counting the live action movie iteration) who has died and come back to life more times than I'm comfortable counting.

The number of toy releases the character has had is far more shocking however. The Transformers franchise has several iconic characters and designs, but it would be difficult to argue that any of them trump Optimus as the most recognizable. As such, the development team at Hasbro has made sure sure there's an Optimus Prime available in the action figure aisle at pretty much all times.

Fortunately, the character's role as a leader and a major selling point for the brand means that there's usually considerable effort put into his toys. I've kept it awfully wordy thus far, but this is indeed a list post. Let's get to it: in chronological order, here are 10 of the best Optimus Prime toys released thus far!

Geek-Skull's Top Ten LEGO Minifigures

When LEGO introduced its line of blind-packed Minifigures in 2010, the toy collectors of the world went buck damn wild! I initially only watched from afar, but I eventually got roped right in. Before I knew it, I was pouring over checklists and searching like mad for the latest releases. I caught the Minifigure fever.

With blindpacked toys, I prefer to grab a couple at random and see what I happen to get. I didn't see much of the same sentiment from other collectors however. Everyone knows all about the "feel test" where you grope bag after bag trying to identify which figure is inside. I once spotted a couple sitting in the floor of my local Target surrounded by what appeared to be the store's entire stock, gleefully feeling away. There's probably a dirty joke in there somewhere.

As much fun as I was having just rolling the dice, in the back of my mind I too was hoping to walk away with that one special figure. You already know this is a list post, so let's get right to it. Here are my ten favorite LEGO Minifigures (so far!)


The Goofiest Action Figure Vehicles Ever!

It's not uncommon for toy collectors and "kid-at-heart" types to look back fondly on their action figure vehicles. From Technodromes to T.I.E. Fighters, the various pimped-out rides of our heroes and villains were often among the most coveted pieces of our collections. However, not every vehicle was worthy of such affection. In fact, some were downright nonsensical! Let's take a look at five of the goofiest vehicles (and vehicle assortments) ever:


Ten of the Best Directorial Debuts in Movies

It’s not often a filmmaker makes a perfect film on their first try, but some do. Here are ten debut features that I feel are prime examples of someone getting it right the first time. In some cases, the film remains the pinnacle of the director’s career, while in others it was just the beginning of a string of classics. It's a diverse list containing four foreign, two fully animated, and five black and white films. Hopefully there will be something that intrigues you or inspires you.

I’ll begin with the one that’s surely the most well known to the average movie-goer, and work backwards toward the more obscure titles that only pop-up on radars attuned to certain frequencies. The order is in no way a reflection upon which is best or worst.


Geek-Skull's Top Ten Katamari Cousins

Of all the vidya games I've played in the last 10 years or so, those in the Katamari series are among the strongest in overall presentation and sheer fun factor. The gameplay is addicting, the sense of humor is beautifully quirky, and the music and sound design is highly memorable. I can confidently say that the Katamari games will always stick with me.

One of my favorite aspects of the games is collecting the Cousins of our protagonist, "The Prince." I particularly enjoyed doing so in Katamari Forever given the sheer number of them. While each Cousin has at least one smile-inducing trait, I couldn't help myself from becoming especially attached to a select few. For those interested, here is my personal "Top Ten" Katamari Cousins:

Five of the Most Clever Licensed Gaming Products

News flash: what you're looking at above is fairly usual fare for gaming merchandise. Action figures, plush toys, key-chains, phone covers, you know the drill. While there are a lot of truly amazing gaming-based products that fit into these categories, it can sometimes seem a bit "business as usual." After all, pretty much every form of entertainment has its various properties licensed into the exact same stuff. If you're gearing up to expand the Halo brand beyond the video game aisle, a line of action figures is obviously going to be the first idea to come up. However, clever licensed products with a bit of outside-the-box thinking do make their way to the marketplace, and they can tempt you like no other! Let's take a look at just five examples: