Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts


How "Transformers: the Movie" Taught Me That Credits Matter!

A gigantic chunk of my childhood was spent watching Transformers: The Movie from 1986 over and over again. I geeked out over it more with each viewing. I ultimately found myself interested in the end credits as well. As the cast list rolled by, seeing the names of kick-ass voice actors like Michael Bell, Peter Cullen, and the godly Frank Welker credited as not just one but several of my favorite fictional characters made a giant impression on me. Just like that, I had yet another interest to fully immerse myself in.


There are Just Too Many Games, Comics, and Movies!

First World Problems, am I right?!

First World Problem Meme

I like a little bit of everything and I have enough hobbies to fill several lifetimes. I know all too well that this is nothing unique. I have many friends that love taking in various forms of media just as much as I do. However, a lot of them seem able to manage all of those interests much more effectively. When I see them able to discuss what feels like everything under the sun in a passionate and well-informed manner, I often wonder how in the world they pull it off!

As my backlog of comic books, cartoons, movies, video games, live action television series, anime, and even freakin' music grows, thoughts regarding how much of an absolute bastard time can be continually fill my head. Having a myriad of other highly time-draining interests (guitar, illustration, video editing, bedazzling, you name it!) certainly doesn't help the matter. There just isn't enough time to go around.


Ten of the Best Directorial Debuts in Movies

It’s not often a filmmaker makes a perfect film on their first try, but some do. Here are ten debut features that I feel are prime examples of someone getting it right the first time. In some cases, the film remains the pinnacle of the director’s career, while in others it was just the beginning of a string of classics. It's a diverse list containing four foreign, two fully animated, and five black and white films. Hopefully there will be something that intrigues you or inspires you.

I’ll begin with the one that’s surely the most well known to the average movie-goer, and work backwards toward the more obscure titles that only pop-up on radars attuned to certain frequencies. The order is in no way a reflection upon which is best or worst.


Transformers: Dark of the Moon Comic Adaptation Pre-Order - Contains Spoilers

Image courtesy of has listed their Pre-Order for the trade paperback of IDW's Transformers: Dark of the Moon comic adaptation. Click here to check it out. Word of warning, if you opt to use their "Look Inside!" feature, there is many a spoiler for the movie's story. If you want a total surprise when you plop down to watch it in theaters this summer, avoid these previews at all costs. Don't let this lure you into doing the opposite of what is suggested either, I know that game! I'm serious, dig?

UPDATE: "Look Inside!" feature has been removed entirely. Oh, the drama! The book is set to ship May 25, so if you can't wait until July 1 when the movie hits theaters to find out what happens, you'll have quite the comfortable head start.


Rick Grimes and the Temple of the Walking Dead

Hey kids, wouldn't it be fun to create a mash-up between Indiana Jones and The Walking Dead?

the walking dead tv series

You bet it would.

If you need more Indy and Walking Dead in your lives, you should probably consider pre-ordering the Indiana Jones Blu-ray Collection ($69.99) and grabbing The Walking Dead Season 1 Blu-ray ($21.22) if you haven't by now. Do it. They're good and stuff.


Spider-Man reboot costume revealed

Gossipcop has a picture of Andrew Garfield in an unmasked Spidey costume, teasing for the upcoming Spider-Man film, infamously (depending on whom you're speaking to) a reboot of the franchise, replacing the would-be sequel to the recent Sam Raimi-directed trilogy. I'll pointlessly mirror it below:

My thoughts? The chest emblem is a bit fuggo (this is professional terminology, I promise) but I suppose the overall look really feels homemade. That works for me, at least in theory. On top of that? This dude is all scrawny and shit (still very professional), evoking the physique portrayed in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, and that feels on the nose as well! If we're really being honest though...I don't actually care that much. As long as the movie doesn't have a fat guy falling on the Ol' Webhead, making him miss a major would-be milestone in his life, I'll probably be able to live through it well enough.

If you somehow missed the first set o' films with our favorite web slinger, consider catching up with the rest of the world:

The third one gets some hate, in several ways deservedly so, but it's a fun trilogy overall.

The "Mikaela Factor" in Transformers 3

Everyone wants to be heard. Everyone wants their opinion to be valued. I've tried saying these things on the TFW2005 movie subforum but damn if no one seems to be paying attention. So, I'll post these thoughts here, on a blog that no one reads. Ha! It makes all the sense in the world!

There's a lot of news that seems to indicate Megan Fox is definitely gone from the movie. This leaves fans wondering what will become of her character in the film. In my opinion - they need to just use the new stick-thin, inexperienced actress (bleh) as the same character. It's the lesser of two evils. Some say they can just give Shia LaBeouf's Sam a throwaway "oh she left me, boy it sucks" line, like at the beginning of The Karate Kid part II...and III for that matter (lawl), but I think it would feel like a major cop out.

Sudden breakups are not unrealistic by any stretch, but this is movie land, and this is a story, a large chunk of which has already been given to this particular character. I feel that having Mikaela just ditch Sam, only for him to move on immediately would waste all the time spent with Mikaela on screen in the first two films. There's a lot of human shit in these stories already, why do we need yet another all new character to introduce, with an all new romance subplot in tow?

Then of course, there's the "well...they should just kill her off!" fans. Seeing as we do have a new "leading lady" cast apparently, what would the effect of that death really have? Is she gonna kick the bucket only for The Beef to shrug "oh well" and leap into the arms of the new chick on the rebound? That's yet another incredibly screwy situation.

Again, although it's certainly not unheard of in the real world, I think it would cheapen the Sam/Mikaela relationship. It's funny that I'm arguing for it at all because it's honestly an element of the story thus far that I don't even care about, but, what can we do, it's already been given a fair amount of attention. Given that, I'd rather them not toss the relationship with cheap, easy outs.

If they just want to kill Mikaela off, fine. I think it's a by the numbers, go-to plot device that too many writers use as a crutch when they want something dramatic to happen in their big final chapter, but it's not terrible. I say, ok, if you need to do that, at least don't cheapen it by having her love interest move on to a new fling already within the same flick. I'm sure there are ways to make it work, such as perhaps doing a time jump after her death, but even then, I'm not really sold.

It's no secret that I'm one of those "perhaps there's a touch too much human stuff going on" fans, and I don't really welcome any new developments that make any human-goings-on seem even more pointless in retrospect. I think you could easily argue that Mikaela was never fully necessary to begin with, and using her twice only to throw her away makes the time already spent on her feel even more wasted. I think that in most situations, losing the character would bring forth a lot of crap for the writers to deal with if they intend to keep her part in the story relevant.

Just recasting so as to keep the Mikaela character is the way to go. Easiest route by far.


And now, the news

Don't touch that dial!


Transformers Continuity Errors - Where did Barricade go?

We all know that in the 07 live action Transformer movie, the hard boiled cop-bot Barricade somehow survived his blurry, badly shot and mostly off-screen fight with Bumblebee despite taking serious damage. We know this of course because he turns up as the Decepticons rally near the end. However, he disappears just as quickly as he arrives, and no mention is ever made of him again! They didn't even rectify it in the sequel! Geez, man.

Some comic books have taken the task of filling in that embarrassing hole, but I'm not satisfied. Oh no. I dug deep, oh so fucking deep, and found the true story.

You want the real deal?

Well, take a gander:

At the last minute, the mean ol' bastard had a change of heart. He didn't want to crush Autobots. No. He only wanted to crush bowling pins.


...until Bumblebee's psychotic ass hunted him down and....


Megan Fox Killed Off in Transformers 3?

Worst has posted what is essentially the first big rumor about the 3rd live action Transformers movie. Apparently, director Michael Bay and writer Ehren Kruger may be preparing to kill off Megan Fox's character early on in the film. It might be pure bullshit, but for now, let's treat it as true.

First of all, even though I have no attachment to Fox's character "Mikaela", killing off characters, especially in a "final" installment just feels weak to me. It's a go-to cliche, isn't it? The pressure is on for some big, memorable, dramatic moment, and 9 out of 10 times it seems that creators answer that with DEATH. Remember when that last Harry Potter book was about to be released, and the only question on anyone's lips was "WHO'S GONNA DIE?!" Of course, the author gave in and filled the pages with many a fatality. It's so played out, isn't it? Come on, Transformers movie guys, figure something else out.

However, many speculate the possible death of Mikaela is because of Fox's slights against Bay in the press. Even though she is not the first of Bay's actors to have a word or two against him, and ignoring that Bay has been known for his own bitingly negative mouth, tons of live action Transformer fanboys (many of whom credit Bay for all that is holy and good) now have a huge grudge against Fox. The common response to this rumor from those sorts has largely been along the lines of "YEAH, THAT'S WHAT SHE GETS!!!"

Come on. If killing Megan Fox off is just "revenge" for her not kissing Michael Bay's ass in interviews, eh, isn't that kind of goofy? The "YEAH, SCREW MEGAN FOX!!!" crowd are being equally silly, sorry to say. Surely, I can't be the only one that realizes..putting her in the movie = a pay day! How exactly does she lose when she walks away with a big check? Money in the bank and an incredibly easy job given the limited time on set 'cos she's just gonna croak anyway?! HA! HA! That'll show her!!!!

The only actual way to "get back" at Fox would be to have her completely recast or something to that effect. That'd be met with just as much "har har!" sentiment, I'm sure, but at least it wouldn't be a completely ridiculous way of sticking it to her. Personally, I'd hate that. Recasts in sequels stick out and take you out of the experience a bit, and given my thoughts about the oh-so easy plot device that is killing off a main character, I'd rather Mikaela just stick around in some capacity, but really, I say what the hell ever! At this stage, given how displeased I am with the Transformers films, I don't even know if I'm going to bother seeing the third one, so it might not effect me regardless of what they decide.


Superman Lives Costume Test

Before Superman Returns, there was "Superman Lives," a Kevin Smith written (and later re-written) affair with crazy ass Tim Burton in the director's chair. Burton was set to peer through the monitors at none other than Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just Nicolas Cage in the lead role. The movie was apparently inspired by the death and return Superman story arc from the early 90s comic books. You know, the super popular Doomsday story that got mass media coverage. It never made it into theaters, of course, but ever so slowly, more and more of the pre-production materials have surfaced.

And now...just in time for Halloween - the scariest shit ever unleashed upon human eyes:

Excuse me while I puke.

This is from Tim Burton.JP. You can find other costume designs and concept art from the film there as well. Take a look - if you dare.


Kill Bill Vol. 3 is go?

Entertainment Weekly reports that during a visit to the Italian talk show Parla Con Me, Quentin Tarantino stated that he will indeed make another installment of his successful Kill Bill series. He wants there to be a 10-year break between the second and third film, setting Vol. 3 for a 2014 release date. Uma Thurman is still slated to star as Beatrix Kiddo.

I say take this with a grain of salt, as Tarantino always talks up various film ideas that seem to never come to fruition. Vicnent and Vic Vega movie anyone? However, with the huge success of Inglourious Basterds(sic), perhaps the proverbial fire has been lit under his ass to get more films done! Let's hope so.


Soylent Green II

Soylent Green is still made out of people! They didn't change the recipe like they said they were going to! It's stiiiill peeeeeeople!!!!!


The Fallen's design from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

There's always been something that bugs me about The Fallen's design from the upcoming Michael Bay Transformers sequel "Revenge of the Fallen", and I think it has to do with the torso. Sure, there's all the strange alien design elements that have always bugged me about the Transformers movie designs, just look at those crazy ass feet, but the big thing is the torso. It almost looks upside down, the chest has barely any mass at all, then there's the weird ass parts connecting to his arms and a big chunky waist underneath. It just doesn't gel with me. Sooo, I've made a little photoshopped image, giving him more mass in the chest, and less underneath the arm...connector...things.

Click for a larger look!

Yeah, you know, I actually like it a lot more with the beefier chest. Personal bias? Sure, but it just makes more sense to me visually.


Revenge of the Fallen causing Transformers toy cancellations?

According to one of March Transformers Q&A answers by Hasbro, we might not be seeing the Robot Heroes Prowl vs Laserbeak, Optimus Primal vs Jetstorm, Victory Sabre vs Desaras, and Ricochet/ vs Predaking sets. Damn shame. I especially wanted that crazy ass Laserbeak.

You can find all of the March Q&A's here

It appears there will be no more Mighty Muggs after Grimlock and Starscream as well. I know a lot of people didn't dig them, all cutesied up and non-transformable, but those things have a lot of charm. I'd love a whole fleet of TF Muggs.

Perhaps after the giant focus towards Revenge of the Fallen is out of the way, more of this sort of product will make it onto shelves.


Watchmen Movie Review

It's finally here. The film adaptation of Watchmen, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' highly revered 1986-87 limited comic series, helmed by Zack Snyder, director of 2004's Dawn of the Dead remake, and more recently, the adaptation of Frank Miller's 300, both stylish and overall well received films. It's been advertised, debated, and anticipated like crazy. To say the source material has been lifted to absolute legendary status over the years is an understatement. Since it's debut, Watchmen's reputation has grown and grown, ultimately to be seen as one of the utmost essential comic book tales. Throw out the notion of simple hero-chases-villain fare, Watchmen is a book with brains, and balls. It's ripe with biting social commentary that really does make you think, and the characters created by Moore and Gibbons are nothing short of amazing. And now, the big budget Hollywood version is out, teething with buzz. So, does it live up to the hype?

Well, let's just go for the throat. I found the film immediately enjoyable. While flashy, the visuals looked great, the characters were being depicted well, and overall, it seemed to be following the comic books fairly closely. At some point however, perhaps when I noticed different meetings between characters being combined, some of the changes to the story became slightly jarring. I suspect anyone familiar with the source material may feel this about at least some of the changes made, but overall, they didn't really bother me much. Some alterations made certain instances feel slightly less significant than they should have, but you must understand, such things are simply inherent to what we know as the "film adaptation." To be cliche, unless you've been living under a rock, you should expect, and accept, a little variation from source to screen by now, and the changes in Watchmen are NOT that bad. If you've been watching movies from the past few years, you'll have seen your share of adaptations, and from those, you'll know that the Watchmen film is far closer to Moore's writings than it even had to be to receive a go from Hollywood.

And really, I was impressed. Numerous scenes gloriously reference the panels of Dave Gibbons artwork and are often framed exactly as originally drawn. Much of the original dialogue and pacing is in place, and even the updated costumes still retain their basic flavor. They're not all suddenly running around in black leather jackets, know what I mean?

Also, going in, I feared they would censor it too much. Tame the swearing and violence, neuter Rorschach's brutal critiques of modern man and the Comedian's salacious ways, but more or less, it was all there. Yes, even Dr. Manhattan's penis and Nite-Owl's ass. Such visions drew a few inappropriate giggles from the audience, something I've heard is fairly widespread. It's shaming to know people are that immature. Rorschach would probably agree.

Still, that nudity, displayed in nothing but an innocuous, casual and naturalistic way, much like it is in the comics, is there, in tow with so many other elements that could've easily been discarded to make the film more mainstream and palatable. Despite the blockbuster-aim and huge marketing campaigns, this film stems from a very adult story, and by retaining much of the grittier elements, Watchmen has made it to the screen with it's teeth in tact. It's an R rated film, and it needs to be. Dumbed down to a PG-13, the overall message might've easily lost a lot of it's weight merely in exchange for an easier route to those millions of box-office dollars. I'm really glad the film makers took a risk by going all in instead.

But despite my support of the film maintaining an adult-oriented feel, my biggest problem with the film does lie within that realm. The part that flat out bugged me the most was the sex scene. It did not offend me in any way, I'm not that guy, but whereas the comic depiction seemed a bit more, to use a slightly cutesy term, sweet, endearing the relationship of the characters, in the film it played much more in the realm of "Yeah! Look at this chick's ass, you like that? Ok then, here's some grinding for you, take that, yeah, uh huh, TAKE IT." Ahem. Only a minor issue though, it didn't take me out of the film too much.

So will the story of The Watchmen go on to be as respected a film as it is a graphic novel? Probably not, but face facts, that was probably inevitable. I'm sure Alan Moore would still hate it were he to view it in secret, perhaps over some of the changes and omissions alone, but for the rest of us, again we have to ask - is it worth seeing? Is it overall well executed? Will it appease the fans of the source material? I say - for the most part...yes. For the average movie goer, if you can get over it not being a typical comic book beat-em up, it might just engage you, and for the die-hard comic fan, if you can deal with it not being a word for word translation, there's a lot there to appeal to, and reward, your love of the original story. Go check it out!